Monday, May 16, 2011

together forever ♥

thank you for everything ♥

thank you for everything you gave to me
you give me your love .
you give me your affection.
your kindness make me feel special .
your attention make me feel i'm the one .
your smile make me feel happy when i'm sad .
your words make me feel better .

thank you for everything , it's enough for me :*

Sunday, May 15, 2011

there’s good times behind that pain ♥

when the world gives us a thousand reasons to cry,
show is that we have a thousand reasons to smile.

when the world gives us a thousand reasons to complain,
show is that we have a thousand reasons to be grateful.

when the world gives us a thousand reasons to give up,
show that we must believe in the God who raised up the spirit

when the world is too despicable to make us cry, too cheap to make us grieve, too weak to make us despair.

God never promised that the sky's always blue, the flowers are always blooming, and the sun always shines

but please know that He always gives a rainbow in every storm, a smile on every tear, a blessing in each trial, and the answer in every prayer.

never give up, keep fighting .

it's a life , your life , my life m our life .

remember !

disaat kamu ingin melepas ssorang ,
ingatnya pda saat kamu ingin mendapatkannya .

disaat kamu mulai tidak mencintainya ,
ingatlah saat pertma kamu jatuh cinta padanya .

disaat kamu mulai bosan dgn nya ,
ingatlah selalu saat terindah bersamnya .

disaat kamu ingin menduakannya ,
byngankan jika dia sllu setia .

saat kamu igin membohonginya ,
ingatlah saat dia jujur padamu .

maka kamu akan mrasakan artinya dia untukmu .

justin bieber ♥

ngefans bangetttt sama justin bieber !! :D .
sumpah dia ganteng banget , suara nya bagus lg aaaa kapan gua bs ktemu dia -.-
nyesel amat kmaren ga nton konser nya biber , katanya dia ganteng bangett  ♥
ngebettttt sangat mau ktemu trus foto bareng wkwkwk .
biarin dah ga ktemu , tapi gua akan ttp ngefans sama diaaa !
aplgi video nya yg that should be me , sumpah ganteng abissssss ! sbelom potong rmbut sm sesudah ptong rmbut gaada beda , ttp gantengg aaaa .
nama lengkap nya tuh justin drew bieber lahir di Stratford, Ontario , 1 Maret 1994 di  . pertma x dia rekaman di you tube , lgu pertmany itu one time , trus video nya di liat sama scooter braun , yg sekarang jdi manager nya bieber .
bieber abs ptong rmbut juga kerenn !
trus skrg tuh dia maen film , jdul nya never say never 3D , ada lagu nya itu ft. jaden smith yg maen di karate kid itu (y), kluar tggal 11 feb 2011 , tpi bru" ini bru kluar ._. skrg uda ada dvd nya loh :D .
dia dtg ke jakarta tanggal 22 april 2011 , justin bieber di sambut baik sm indonesia , tpi konser nya ga bole di liput ke tv -.- . konser nya diadakan di Sentul International Convention Center, Bogor.

just you and only you ♥

do you know that i love you so much ?
in this world no others like you .
you are the best thing i ever had .
just you can make me feel happy .
just you can make me fell 'am the one and only one .
and ,
only you can make me fall in love .
only you can teach me how to love someone .
only you can make my day .
only you can make me smile when i sad .
only you the one i love !

i love you , just you and only you :')

Saturday, May 14, 2011

i'll be there

if one day you feel crying , call me
i don't promise that i will make you laugh
but i can cry with you

if one day you want to run away ,
don't be afraid to call me .
i don't promise to ask you to stop
but i can run with you.

if one day you don't want to listen anyone , call me .
i promise to be there for you and i promise to be very quite

if one day you need me , just call me
and i'll be there

i love you ♡

i love you so much , i just can say that , i love you more than words can say , more than feelings can show , more than tears can cry . i promise baby , i'll never leaving . i loveeeeeee youuu so much :* . i hope you love me like i do . i want spent my life with you . and please always know that i love you more than anything else ♥

this is me

ish ksel bgt blog gua yg pertama ilang D: , ribet tuh blog -.-
akhir nya gua buat blog bru deh ._.
gua venessa , panggil aj nessa , gua buat blog ini biar bisa share crita ttg hidup gua .
gua seneng sama hidup gua :D . bnyk suka duka nya , tapi hidup itu hrus di syukuri loh (y)
gua bersyukur sama Tuhan krna masi di kasih idup smpe skrg ini , thanks bgt buat ortu gua , shabat" gua sama tmn" gua , love you all :* . thanks buat kevin :* , love you so much :*
uda deh , smpe sini dlu haha , ntr baca ya postingan" gua selnjut nya .
thx yg uda buka blog gua :D . GBU all